Constitution Day 2023: Constitution Day Today, know its history, importance and why it started being celebrated

Constitution Day 2023: Tejas V News
Constitution Day 2023: Tejas V News

About Constitution Day of India

November 26, in the history of India’s independence, is a very important day. You might wonder, why? The reason for this is that India established its Constitution on this day in 1949, and it became operative on January 26, 1950. In recognition of the contributions made by the framers of the Constitution, November 26 is designated as “Constitution Day.”


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Constitution Day 2023: History

The Indian Constitution was ratified by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949, and it became operative on January 26, 1950.

The government’s intention to celebrate Constitution Day on November 26 each year was announced by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment on November 19, 2015. The purpose of this effort is to raise citizens’ knowledge of constitutional ideals.

The 26th of November, then, is not merely a date; it is a commemoration of our Constitution and a reminder of the values that underpin our country. It’s a day to consider the importance of equality, justice, and democracy. Each year, let’s take a moment to respect our Constitution and the principles it upholds.


Constitution day 2023: significance

Constitution Day was chosen as a way to honour Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the visionary behind the crafting of the Indian Constitution.
Constitution Day is very important because it fosters civic virtues, informs people of their rights under the constitution, and deepens understanding of the democratic ideals that underpin the country.

It’s a day to honour the values that sustain our democracy and to consider the lofty aspirations that shaped our constitution. We are grateful for Dr. Ambedkar’s contributions, acknowledging his crucial role in establishing the framework for our constitution.

Constitution Day promotes a sense of pride in our democratic heritage by serving as a reminder of the rights and obligations that come with citizenship. It’s a celebration of our common dedication to a just, inclusive, and democratic society rather than merely a day on the calendar.

Thus, on this Constitution Day, let us pause to recognise the wisdom enshrined in our document, absorb its guiding ideals, and recommit to preserving the foundations that make our country genuinely democratic.


Why is Constitution Day celebrated?

Constitution Day, as we all know, was instituted in 2015 and has been observed annually on November 26 ever then.

It took several months for the constitution to be enacted nationwide after it was adopted on November 26, 1949. On January 26, 1950, the constitution came into full force. As a result, this day is widely observed as Republic Day across the nation with great excitement.

We honour the founding of the Republic of India and remember the adoption of the constitution on this day. It’s a day to celebrate our nation’s beliefs and ideals with a great sense of patriotism.


It’s a day to reflect on the Constitution, to appreciate the values it stands for, and to make people aware of its fundamental principles. So, on this Constitution Day, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the visionary minds behind our constitution and the core values that shape our nation.

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